Storytelling #2 - Let's Get Personal

(See sample speech here)


Storytellers don’t always have to rely on material written by others. Good storytellers can create and tell their own stories. A story can be humorous or dramatic, but it always should be entertaining. No matter if the story takes place in the jungles of South America or in the kitchen of your home, it should capture your listeners’ interest and carry them along. In this project, you’ll create and tell such a story, basing it on your own experience.

Executive Summary

Storytellers often create and tell their own stories. Use your own experiences and observations to build a story that will entertain listeners. Outline the story, paying close attention to plot, setting, characters and conflict. Then fill in dialogue and description. Strive for images so real that everyone can see them. Personalize the story and keep it short. Use natural gestures and body movements.


  • To learn the elements of a good story.

  • To create and tell an original story based on a personal experience.

Time: Six to eight minutes

Your Assignment

For this project, create, rehearse, and tell a story based on your own personal experience. Use vivid descriptions and dialogue to bring life to the story. You should tell the story without a script or notes.

Some suggestions for story topics are:

  • The day your daughter or son left for college.

  • Buying your first car, house, etc.

  • Your fishing vacation.

  • The day you met the person whom you later married.

The setting for you storytelling should be informal and the atmosphere relaxed and intimate. Ask your listeners to sit in a semicircle facing you. Don't stand behind a lectern or other obstacle. You don't want any barriers between your listeners and you.

This information is provided as a service to members. For full details on this speech project, refer to the Storytelling manual. All materials in the Toastmasters Educational Program are copyright Toastmasters International. All rights reserved.

The Storytelling Manual

Storytelling has been a form of communication throughout the history of mankind. It’s a part of every civilization on every continent. Early storytellers told of the deeds of their heroes; these stories were expanded over the years to include tales and fables.

(See sample speech here)