The Entertaining Speaker #3 - Make them Laugh

(See sample speech here)


Humor is the spice that will add interest and excitement to virtually any speech. Effective use of humor is a skill worth developing because it will mark you as a speaker who should be invited back again. Although this project calls for a strictly humorous speech, the principles explained here can be used in almost any speech you give.

Executive Summary

Humor is an ideal way to attract and hold an audience’s attention. You can also use humor to build rapport, emphasize points, convey a sensitive point, or deal with unexpected incidents that occur during your talk. Humor includes some kind of unexpected twist that pleasantly surprises the audience. Practice delivering the material until you can do so smoothly, pausing before the punch line to create tension.


  • Entertain the audience by relating a personal experience.

  • Organize an entertaining speech for maximum impact.

Time: Five to seven minutes

Your Assignment

For this project, prepare, rehearse and deliver a five- to seven-minute humorous speech using original material drawn from your own experience as well as material from other sources, adapted to fit the talk. Possible topics you may use are:

  • Embarrassing experiences

  • Explaining a complex subject, making humorous mistakes as you do so

  • Trying to cope with an unusual situation

  • Making fun of yourself.

This information is provided as a service to members. For full details on this speech project, refer to The Entertaining Speaker manual. All materials in the Toastmasters Educational Program are copyright Toastmasters International. All rights reserved.

The Entertaining Speaker Manual

People like to be entertained. The popularity of books, movies, television programs and DVDs is strong evidence of this. Entertaining speakers are in demand as well. The purpose of an entertaining speaker is simply to offer listeners a pleasant diversion. Conventions and civic, professional and social club meetings always need entertaining speakers for their programs.

(See sample speech here)