The Professional Speaker #1 - The Keynote Address

(See sample speech here)

Executive Summary

A keynote speaker establishes a rapport with the audience in order to galvanize them. Match your delivery style to the tenor of the event, whether it's celebratory, serious or somewhere in-between. Project your confidence and authority to arouse your audience's interest. Use dramatization to make abstract ideas tangible and inspire listeners to apply your ideas to their lives.


  • Identify the basic differences between keynote speeches and other kinds of speeches

  • Learn how to evaluate audience feeling and establish emotional rapport

  • Learn and use the professional techniques necessary for a successful keynote presentation

  • Develop a speech style and delivery that effectively inspires and moves the audience to adopt your views as a collective reaffirmation of its own

TIME: 15 to 20 minutes - longer if club program allows

Your Project Speech

Prepare, rehearse and deliver a 15- to 20-minute keynote address.* Arrange with the Toastmaster of the meeting to announce to the club members what audience group or organization they represent. Your speech should reflect the audience feeling and emotional rapport associated with that specific audience. Use the professional techniques discovered in the preceding material. Your style and delivery should be dynamic and should inspire the audience. Shower your listeners with your enthusiasm and move them to adopt your views as a collective reaffirmation of their own.

* Option of longer presentation if club program allows.

This information is provided as a service to members. For full details on this speech project, refer to The Professional Speaker manual. All materials in the Toastmasters Educational Program are copyright Toastmasters International. All rights reserved.

The Professional Speaker Manual

Professional speakers can give a variety of presentations to a variety of audiences. This manual offers guidance in preparing and presenting a keynote address, an entertaining speech, a sales training speech, a seminar and a motivational speech. Includes information about marketing yourself as a professional speaker.

(See sample speech here)